
Drought Resilience

Drought Resilience

Proactively managing water resources before, during, and after drought conditions arise

Increasingly, living in the western United States means planning for drought conditions. Modernizing irrigation infrastructure allows farmers to improve their ability to live with drought conditions and maintain agricultural production even when facing water scarcity. This enhanced resilience is crucial for ensuring food security, sustaining rural economies, and mitigating the impacts of climate change on agriculture.


Modernization in Three Sisters: Then & Now



Drought Resiliency: Rogue River Valley



Drought Resilience: Casad Family Farm


More Benefits


The benefits of investment.

With our partner’s investments, we’re transforming the operational paradigm for irrigation districts in Oregon and across the West, moving new projects into construction and securing energy, agricultural, economic, and environmental benefits at a pace never before seen in this sector.

Our 2030 Targets