farmers conservation alliance

We work to keep the water flowing for farms, food and fish.

Our Approach

FCA works with farmers, ranchers, and irrigators to modernize water delivery systems throughout the West.

What’s At Stake

An expanding population, persistent droughts, declining fish populations, and aging irrigation infrastructure are stressing our water resources. Creating efficiencies is no longer just a dream, it’s a societal mandate. FCA is committed to seeing irrigation modernization efforts across the West. In partnership with rural communities, FCA’s work focuses on the pursuit of water management solutions that benefit both agriculture and the environment.

  • 1 Million
    Diversions in the Western United States
  • 80%
    Diversions used for Agriculture
  • 75-100 Years
    Age of Current Infrastructure
  • 30-70%
    Water loss via canal delivery
  • Millons


We believe irrigation modernization is one of the greatest agricultural, environmental, and local energy development opportunities in the Western United States.

FCA launched the Irrigation Modernization Program (IMP) to support farmers in their pursuit of comprehensive irrigation improvements. The IMP delivers full modernization strategies that identify infrastructure improvements, funding sources, and strategic partnerships that enable projects to become shovel ready. Through participation in IMP, irrigation districts throughout the west have implemented customized strategies for broad-scale irrigation modernization.

About The IMP