Tumalo and Three Sisters Irrigation Districts are two of more than 20 irrigation districts around Oregon assessing the results they could achieve by modernizing their water delivery systems. Collaborative efforts between the districts, key state and federal partners, as well as support from Energy Trust of Oregon to participate in FCA’s Irrigation Modernization Program will result in replacing 69 miles of open canals with closed-pipe systems over the next 10 years, increasing water reliability, generating local renewable energy, and improving fish and wildlife habitat.
Capital Press: Irrigation Districts Working to Convert Canals to Pipes
OPB: Conflict to Collaboration
Central Oregon Daily: Local Irrigation Districts Strive for Efficiency
KBND: Irrigation Districts Celebrate Conservation Successes
KTVZ: Two major C.O. canal-piping projects mark milestones
Bend Bulletin: Merkley Tour Irrigation Districts, Supports ‘re-plumbing’ Central Oregon
“This important project will not only get more water to Central Oregon farmers, it will also help ensure habitats are protected and water is conserved.”
– US Senator Jeff Merkley
“Our collaborative work with irrigation partners in Central Oregon is a model for locally-led watershed planning and implementation to modernize aging rural infrastructure.”
– Matt Lohr, NRCS Chief
“For the first time since the late 1800s we’ve restored summertime flow in Whychus Creek for salmon and steelhead.”
– Marc Thalacker, Manager Three Sisters Irrigation District
“Navigating infrastructure isn’t just making a decision that you want to do it. It’s being able to do the community building, the planning, and being able to raise significant amounts of capital.”
– Julie Davies O’Shea, Executive Director of FCA
These projects and the important benefits they provide would not be possible without the programmatic and financial support of these local, state, and federal entities: Bonneville Environmental Foundation, Bureau of Reclamation, Central Oregon Regional Solutions, City of Bend, Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs, Deschutes Basin Board of Controls, Deschutes River Conservancy, Energy Trust of Oregon, Farmers Conservation Alliance, Oregon Department of Energy, Oregon Department of Environmental Quality Clean Water State Revolving Loan Fund, Oregon Water Resources Department, Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board, Portland General Electric and US Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service