FCA began in 2005 when the Farmers Irrigation District of Hood River, Oregon, licensed the Farmers Screen™ technology to FCA under the condition that we take the Farmers Screen™ to market, address institutional barriers to fish screens, and invest profits into other technologies and solutions that benefit both the environment and agriculture.
Along the way, we realized that the highest measure of mutual benefit would be to achieve agricultural resiliency. Achieving such a goal meant taking on the complete modernization of our failing irrigation infrastructure.
FCA is in the unique position to help realize that formidable goal. We have amassed trusted relationships through our hands-on, solutions-oriented approach with farmers and rural communities. Those relationships have built a deep understanding of the challenges and benefits associated with the process of irrigation modernization.
Our Irrigation Modernization Program creates a path forward for irrigation communities to upgrade their infrastructure, saving water and operating costs, while restoring streams, protecting fish, and generating green, renewable energy.
Farmers Conservation Alliance is a 501c3 nonprofit social enterprise.